Open Source Licenses

Last Updated: December 20, 2022

  1. ACCE contains the following open source software:

    ACCE LibraryLicenses
    acce_parsersApache License 2.0, BSD-2, BSD-3, Custom-OleFile, Custom-OleTools, MIT, PIL, PSF
    ctcipherBSD-3, MIT, PSF
    ctarchiveMIT, Custom-OleFile
    ctdeob Apache License 2.0, BSD, BSD-3, MIT
    dotnetfile MIT
    dwarffileApache License 2.0, Custom-PyArrow
    fileattributes BSD-3, Custom-OleFile, Custom-PyPDF2, Custom-libxcb, ISC, MIT, Public Domain
    ioc_util Apache License 2.0, PSFLv2
    golangfile MIT
    External Sub DependenciesBSD-2, BSD-3, MIT

    Note: Open source software need not be separately identified regardless of its classification in the above table. Further, Cipher Tech Solutions reserves the right to update the above table at any time to reflect changes in licensing made known to Cipher Tech Solutions by the owner or publisher of the work.